The PFCC is always looking to add to our membership. Anyone wishing to become a member will need to understand our requirements for new members and follow the process fully.
New Member Minimum Requirements
To be considered for membership an applicant must meet minimum requirements in order to qualify for a formal vote. Applicants must:
Express a direct desire to join the organization via open online application.
The open application period will run April 1 through April 30.
Submit an application consisting of:
- A 500-word letter of introduction explaining why they want to be considered for membership and what they would bring to the membership.
- A resume of their critical writing history.
- Links to 10 of the writer’s reviews that best showcase their work.
- A link or links to the writer’s first film review from at least 5 years ago, and to 25 current film reviews per year the last two years, with no less than 50 in any two year period. Podcasts and video reviews are admissible forms of reviews. The media submitted must offer thoughtful criticism on films and not simply cover pop culture or news.
Furthermore, applicants must be currently taking an active role in media-event screenings. If this process is unfamiliar to you then you may want to inquire about our mentorship program. Applicants must also either live in the Greater Philadelphia region (including South Jersey) and/or review films for the Philadelphia market to be considered.
Once an applicant has submitted their application, and it has been reviewed, they must have the support of at least four current members to trigger a vote on that particular application. To be accepted as a member applicants must receive supporting votes greater than half of the current membership, rounded up.
Applicants selected as new members will be informed by June 15 of the submission year. No other updates will be provided. Active members are required to pay yearly dues (currently $85). New members will not be charged dues for the calendar year of their acceptance.
All information must be submitted to the PFCC via e-mail to: info at